A Beginner’s Guide to Shopping on TEBEBA Books

Shopping on TEBEBA Books

We know you were on TEBEBA Books, surfing the platform and trying to get some books for yourself. Perhaps, you already bought a book or two. Now, don’t try to wonder how we knew all these.

Shopping on TEBEBA Books is one of the easiest things in the world; it’s more seamless than you can ever imagine. For the newbies, or those who just want to know, consider this post as a beginner’s guide.

To shop on TEBEBA Books, you don’t need a wallet, which means you don’t have to refill any account. You only have to follow the 6 steps below.

Let Me Show You!
#1: Login/Register

The first thing to do is to log in, if you already have a registered account. However, if you don’t, you have to register with a username and password as shown below.

#2: Visit Our Store and Choose Your Format

Once you log in, the next place to be is the store. Click on ‘Visit our store’ and there, you will select your preferred book format. You may choose from audiobooks, ebooks or paperbacks, as provided in the drop-down list.

#3: Make Your Book Choice and Add to Cart

The next thing to do is search for the book you want, using the Search option. Select the book and add to cart. You may add more than one book to your cart.

#4: Check Out

After adding your preferred books to your cart, ensure they are all in the cart. You may also remove from your cart, if you realise you have more than you plan(ned) to buy.

#5: Place Your Order

Checking out includes you placing your order. While you do this, remember to read the terms and conditions, and agree — then place your order.

#6: Make Your Payment

Here is the last step where you make your payment by entering your card details. Conclude your payment process, and you will have your book(s) delivered to you.

Do you want to know more about publishing on TEBEBA Books? Click here to find out how to publish your e-books or audiobooks. Beyond this, publishing with us comes with exciting offers you should know about. And if you still wonder why you should publish with us, we are more than willing to let you know. You may also reach out to us via mail

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'Sewa Owoeye - the Christian creative and content writer who loves to bring writing and visual arts to life. Through content and creative writing, I help aspiring writers, busy people and authors realise their dreams.

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