On this beautiful day, just like we have been doing in this Authors’ Corner, we bring to you JOSEPH THEOPHILUS KEHINDE who is an awesome writer, a published author, and one of our finest authors on Tebeba Platform in amazing exclusive interview. Today, he talks about his start into writing and the methods he employs in delivering great writings.

Joseph Theophilus

Please, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I am Joseph Theophilus Kehinde; an award winning global certified leadership consultant. I am a certified writer par excellence from the Tebeba Writing Program; a polished and seasoned writer and author who passes his message with the intention to impact and raise a generation of purposeful African youths.

I also specialize in book writing, content creation, and marketing trainings. Over time, I have trained and mentored over 1000 individuals in the authorship, content creation, and marketing industries.

I am also an author of 5 books and still counting. I am an associate member of the Nigerian Institute of Management. I am a lover of God, and a problem-solver who has the love of others at heart.

When did you first realize you wanted to be an author and why did you decide to be one?

After giving my life to Christ, I realized that I had the gift of expounding words without even researching or reading. I also realized that I had the gift of healing and mindset shifting through the use of words via writing. However, the reason I decided to become an author was not because I wanted to be one, but because I needed to yield to the voice of God. And most importantly, I realized I had gone through failures and inspiring experiences which are capable of lifting men. In that light, I published my first book and ventured into the authoring space because of the solution I was bringing to the table.

Can you tell us a bit about your journey as an author? What were the struggles or challenges you’ve encountered and surmounted along this journey?

My journey as an author was quite challenging. There was a time I told myself that this was a big assignment for me. I got stuck along the way. I ran out of ideas. I started and abandoned many write-ups. Family and friends told me I would be very poor and no one will read my books if I ventured into book writing. But I remembered that my life assignment was not designed and crafted by my own hands but by God’s; besides, it was God who has given me this idea, and I must share it to the world. That alone was enough motivation for me.

How did you come across TEBEBA Publishing firm and why you choose TEBEBA as your publisher?

Smiles. Who is TEBEBA? It is EMMANUEL OLATUNJI. I came across TEBEBA in 2016. Prior to that period, I had started writing; and I also saw some of his writings online and was so captivated by his creativity. Deep within me, I knew I needed to develop my writing skills. I moved closer to Emmanuel OLATUNJI (Mr. TEBEBA) and from there, he took me as a mentee due to my passion for writing. Since then, I became a family of TEBEBA. 

Till Jesus comes, I will always choose TEBEBA to handle my book projects. They truly understand what excellence is and the taste of global standard.

Now, let’s talk about your book, titled “Writing to Impact”. What inspired you to write the book?

After discovering my gift of writing, I began to channel my writings to impact. I just wanted to solve problems through writing. I wanted to help people to become the best version of themselves. As I grew in stature and wisdom in the writing space, I discovered that aspiring and start-up writers just want to write for fun. They just want to write and be seen. They just want to write and impress. It became a burden on me, and then I felt this should be corrected. That was how the movement began. The idea sprang up, and it has become a movement till date.

‘Writing to Impact’ is not just a book, but a legacy that will be remembered. Why? I have shared practical experiences and framework to help aspiring and start-up writers learn and become impactful, influential and profitable writers.

What is your book and who is it for?

‘Writing to Impact’ is a book in which I have shared practical strategies to help you hone your writing skills for greater impact. I also shared how to reach your audience faster, how to write effectively, how to illuminate with relevance, and achieve new levels of success as a writer .

My book isn’t for everyone but for:

1. Intending and aspiring writers and authors;

2. Writers who want to learn how to create wealth;

3. Public speakers;

4. Content writers;

5. Writers who want to venture and learn the professional angle of writing.

What is the position that writing takes in the overall existence of men?

Virtually, writing is a needed skill that can never be neglected. Why? Simply because before you must open your mouth, there is a place of drafting out. Hence, writing is a needed commodity that must be taught and learned.

What are the various forms and types of writing for those who have no idea before now?

Writing is not just narrowed to you picking up a pen or having a book. Writing is now of the mindset. Whatever your mind conceives is what it will deliver. In writing, or in the business and professional angle of writing, or in the business of creating impact via writing, you don’t say “I have feelings for writing”. Feelings do not go in hand with writing. You must be purposefully ready to write.

In your book, you described vividly the essentiality of purpose discovery in relation to the skill of writing. Can you briefly elucidate the relationship between the two?

Everything falls and rises on purpose. When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. Before I discovered my writing gifts, the first point of transformation was the discovery of my life purpose. Your life purpose is that sufficient fuel which gives you the drive to keep writing. When you are not aware of yourself, then relevance is locked.

It is your life purpose that gives you that competitive edge to stay in the business of impact as a writer. The reason I still remain in the business of impact is because I understand why I exist and I have incorporated my life purpose into my writing journey. When I write, I don’t just write for fun; I write because there is a divine assignment I am operated and grafted into.

What can budding writers do to understand their purpose for writing, and maximize it?

I have shared this severally in my mentoring and coaching sessions. I was also in that shoe, but after meeting the exceptional being and founder of TEBEBA in person of Emmanuel OLATUNJI, I was able to unlock the code. However, let me also share 5 ways on how budding writers can understand their purpose for writing and how they can maximize it:

1. The first question they must answer is WHO AM I? If as a writer you can answer the ‘who am I?’ question, then what to deliver will be very easy. For instance, we know the devil’s mission is to kill, steal and destroy, and he is operating under that mission; hence, he keeps delivering.

2. Why do i want to write?

3. Whom am i writing to?

4. When must i write?

5. What do i want to write about?

Joseph Theophilus

What do you say to those who are passionate about writing but getting zero encouragement?

Doing what you are not graced to do will eventually disgrace you. You have to realize that ‘this’ is what you are called to do. You can’t be in business today and tomorrow you are out. Whether the fire is hot or cold, you just have to keep your writing message on. You must remember that you are not writing to impress but to express that gift within. My family —my parents— told me to stop writing; but today, they are my number one fans when it comes to my writing brand. In this journey, you will fall, but don’t quit. Remember this is what you are graced to do.

How important is it for writers to tell their story and how does it impact their readers?

Your audience want to see the WHY, and the WHY is usually articulated with stories. They want to see and read your story on how you were able to rise from zero to hero. Telling your story or a story has the power to penetrate the soul. The best way to get your audience out of the mess is to show them the mess. Storytelling conquers fear, and it gives a road map. In fact, if you want people to read and engage in your works as a writer, then storify your content.

You asserted that “your niche is your expertise plus your passion”. What is the significance of creating a niche for every purposeful writer?

As a writer, if you must be taken seriously, then you must craft a niche for yourself. You can’t climb a staircase at once; if you try it, you might fall and break your leg. Your niche is your area of sweetness and the core of attention. Niche is finding your pain and defining it. As a writer, you can’t demonstrate what you don’t know. To become an effective writer, the goal is not to imitate but to produce that level of originality and uniqueness. That is the power of niche.

What are the steps that aspiring writers need to take to step out of their wishing zone and get their hands to work?

Honestly, there are no steps. The only step is to stop wishing, and get to work. No one will ever notice you are there until you create a scene to be seen.

What inspires all you do today?

“The gift of a man will make a way for him” — a powerful scripture from the Bible. God has deposited, but I am the activator. I do what I do today with ease because God is the planter. That is enough inspiration for me.

What has been your most memorable so far while working on your book project?

The day I saw and felt my book in print… ‘Mehn!’ I screamed and shouted, “THANK YOU, TEBEBA“. I felt happy. At the sight of my book, a sudden authority emerged in me. People started giving me attention. I began to speak with authority and clarity. Why? My book was in print.

As an experienced author, what advice you have received as an author?

Your book is not just a commodity; it is also a legacy which you will be remembered for after you’re long gone. This is why you must look out for a good and experienced publisher that carries that international and global mindset. That was why I chose TEBEBA and my book has traveled far, both in Nigeria and globally.

Which authors do you admire?

As a writer, I read a lot; however, there are some authors I admire and they are; Emmanuel OLATUNJI, Emeka NOBIS, Seth GODIN, Ojinika CHUKS, Michael SAMUEL, and James PATTERSON.

Do you intend to write more books and why?

I don’t intend to stop writing. This is what I am graced to do. I believe my assignment has not ended yet. There are still a lot of people to reach out to. There are millions of people who need to be saved, and I also acknowledge the depositor of my gift, GOD.

What are your final words to the audience?

If you are a writer and you are handling your writing skill or gift with levity, then you are not prepared for life. There is something in your hands; use it now so that you don’t end up living a beggarly life. Always apply yourself to dedicated, continuous learning. If you don’t announce yourself, no one will pronounce you.

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