Being afraid is one of the common challenges most authors face when they’re working on their book project, especially first-time authors. FEAR is a real thing to many people.
You see, fear is real. But one important thing you need to know as an author is that it’s okay to be afraid.
Yes! It’s absolutely okay to be afraid when you want to begin that journey.
Fear is a sign that shows you that you are about to embark on something worthwhile. Fear shows you that you are about to do something out of the ordinary.
This is Exactly the Reason for Your Fear!
So again, it’s absolutely okay to be afraid.
In fact, the issue isn’t really FEAR; the main issue is what you do when you are afraid.
But this is not the right step to take. Once you give in to fear at the beginning of your book journey, you should know that you can’t achieve anything.
However, if you take action despite fear, there is a huge possibility of success. This is why at TEBEBA, we work very closely with our authors and give them all the support they need to ensure their books are published.
You wonder why we have hundreds of authors amongst our clientele? This is one of the reasons!
So, are you an aspiring author who is afraid to launch out? You need to encounter book publishing at TEBEBA. Reach out to us now let’s help you birth your awesomeness, despite that damn fear!
Yeah, let’s be your anti-fear agent. 😀
For more enquiries, you may reach out to us at [email protected]