Marketing your book after putting great effort into writing can be a bit challenging sometimes. Your book is termed successful if it impacts lives, which only happens when it gets massive purchase and readership.
Many authors often complain of the difficulties and challenges they encounter in marketing their books as a result of low patronage and not getting the desired results.
The lack of readers, low patronage, little followers and above all, not making the desirable money from the book sales can be discouraging and frustrating.
Have you been having a hard time promoting your books?
Has the rate of patronage been very discouraging?
Worry no more.
You can upturn these scenarios. You can start making huge sales from your book again. You can start recording a high level of patronage and sales again. You can be a bestselling author.
That’s what this article will help you to achieve. These few book marketing strategies are the hacks that you need. Readers would beg to have a copy of your book as you consciously apply these strategies in your next approach to book marketing.
What are these strategies that promise to make the change that you so much desire?
They are:
Some authors think that launching their books before creating awareness for the buyers thereby taking them by surprise does the trick. This is far from the truth. If you want to succeed with your book, you must understand that marketing starts from the very moment you conceive the idea.
So if you want your book to succeed, it’s important that you continually promote your book, create that huge awareness, and make your audience eager to have a copy.
This is an open secret because almost everyone “lives and breathes” on social media — Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram and the likes.
The attention people pay to their phones, to information and news flying over the internet is astounding. It is safe to say that social media is everybody’s TV channels.
So what does this mean to you as an author? This means there are thousands of buyers out there anticipating to buy your book. You will be depriving them that opportunity if you don’t have a great social media presence.
So you want people to beg you to buy your book? Leverage the social media space. Build a reputable brand that people can trust and patronize when the need arises.
With the increasing awareness of the internet and the online presence of virtually every literate person in the world, there is a space that exists for you to occupy as an author. That is the Internet space. Have a personal blog or website where you promote your brand, dish out impactful and engaging content and meet the mental and psychological needs of people in whatever niche you occupy.
One important thing your site will help you to achieve is to build a strong and reliable network. Therefore, as your brand gets registered in the mind of your audience, selling your books to them when you publish it would be like a walk in the park.
The human eyes are fascinated by a beautiful piece of art. A book with a beautiful and clear cover would go a long way in captivating the readers’ attention and subsequently making a purchase. Give your book a top-notch cover. Get professional (like tebebapublisher) designers at hand. When you put up an irresistible cover design, readers would be eager to buy your book.
You can do this by approaching reviewers of your previous books and giving with a free copy of your new book and a polite request. People get convinced by others’ testimonies. Take full advantage of the reviews of some readers to attract more buyers.
Besides distributing your books to buyers all by yourself (which can be demanding), you can maximize TEBEBA Books, a platform created to help authors meet their readers.

This would make your books get to even distant places — countries and continents that you wouldn’t easily reach out to all by yourself. But most importantly, get the service of a publishing firm that can help you achieve this result. This would take the stress off you and pull in the sales you so desire.
These various strategies would go a long way in making the marketing of your book profitable, effortless and adventurous.
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